Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pie Time!

Friends, Family, I feel it's time to embark on something exciting and new.

Yes, that's right: It's PIE TIME! A time for flavorful adventure and excitement! A time for the exploration of culinary delights and epicurean pleasures! A time for FRUIT! A time for PASTRY! But more importantly, FRUIT!

Yes, fruit, that ever-adored article of luscious lip-smacking flavor, that blessed bearer of jubilant juice-filled bliss! A tiny plant grows to an adult height, never knowing that someday its green bowers will hang with the weight of tasty, tempting tidbits of succulent sweetness. And I will eat it.

The BS girls have all been discussing a pie-and-cobbler party for our tastebuds. I was beyond ecstatic when I heard the news. I didn't even think they liked pie and cobbler! No one ever brings it to our get-togethers. So I figured maybe they're cake and cookie people, which is what I've encountered in most of my friends. And L revels in her Golden Oreos so much that I assumed she likes pie but doesn't exactly crave it. Not like I crave it, at least. A pie on a stand at Food Lion catches my eye the same way a Lamborghini would on a slow drive-by. Gorgeous.

BUT apparently they like pie and cobbler. So we're going to have a Special Night Out for the fruits we love!

I will tell you why I am most excited about this: one of my goals is to create a superb collection of fruit recipes. I get so overwhelmed by all the Apple Pie recipes out there that I honestly avoid making it simply because I don't know which one to choose. If I had massive kitchen and money at my disposal and I could find someone else to clean and a bunch of people to do the eating, I'd bake four or five different recipes for each kind of pie and then choose my favorite to only bake from then on. I really want to be the kind of woman who is known for her pie/cobbler/etc.

(sigh) Someday, pie fans, I will achieve this level of distinctive superiority. And it will be amazing. And The Boy will help me eat it all. :)


  1. We have a large kitchen but not disposal money. You are welcome to come bake at our place...

  2. Brilliant! I *love* pies and cobblers. Perhaps we should start having pie/cobbler recipe nights, along the lines of what you said... such that once every couple of months, we have a big APPLE pie day, or big Blackberry Cobbler day. We'll make several different recipes, invite a bunch of people over and try them all out! What say you, friend?

