Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I wonder if I would like my blog more if I actually used it to keep records of my projects/recipes/books/story ideas, etc. Like, helping me keep track and including notes, thoughts, suggestions, data, etc.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Key Lime Pie - Recipe Review

So, I made another pie yesterday, and it was the easiest pie I've ever made. Which was exciting, as I was prepping for an Oscars Party and was running around like a chicken-sans-head and needed something in my life to just be straightforward for once. But that's another topic. On to the the pie!

I stole a recipe from another blog, so I'll just post that link here: http://cravingchronicles.com/2009/07/01/key-lime-pie/ and say, it's pretty fantastic. I mean, I cut some corners and it still turned out well. I'd like to try it the real recipe way sometime, and then try a fancy version as well, but this is great for a quick fix.

Also a note: the pie didn't set up exactly as firmly as I was expecting, but that could have been because I didn't really allow it 3-4 hours to firm up in the fridge.

Also, if you're going to use ReadyWhip, etc, don't put it on the pie. It melts and gets ugly. Let people do that individually.